I should note that I haven’t tried anything dicey or fancy with it like hacking the ….Ģ ELM327 + Forscan + Focccus + FF2 + ELMconfig It’s faster, comprehensive functioning and as far as my experience just works. J2534 connection is the superior connection tech for Forscan. If you don’t mind spring for the extra $ I recommend the vxdiag. Most people buy the vxdiag for IDS but from what I understand Ford periodically tries to block j2534 adapters except for the official one that costs a lot of money. I originally purchased an earlier version on vxdiag when I was in California and my main concern was making sure there were no surprises when it came time for the dreaded SMOG inspection. Just select j2534 for the connection type. I should note that I do not use the VXDIAG VCX with Ford IDS or any other program besides Forscan. I’m using an ancient cheap netbook and VXDIAG VCX NANO for V112 Ford/V112 Mazda that I ordered directly from the manufacture’s website At about $89 it works flawlessly with Forscan and does both HS-CAN and MS-CAN automatically. If you use a laptop your only cost is really the cable which can run anywhere from $30 for a ELM327 type cable to about $100 vxgiag nano and up for a vcm2 clone. At the very least Forscan makes a great obdII reader.